Monday, February 9, 2015

Thirty-Three Weeks

The belly was measuring 34 cm (so 34 weeks) at my visit with the midwife last week. And I finally gained some weight... I think I'm up 11.5 pounds, if memory serves.

I definitely see growth in the belly but my face looks strange to me. I can't tell if I am losing weight (from my face) or just looking haggard!

I'm still feeling fabulous, compared to a month ago, so I can't complain about the small increase in fatigue. I'm still less than motivated to get out for adventures, but have done lots more work around the house to be ready for the new baby... much of which isn't really related to babies. But having that looming deadline forced me to clean out my underwear drawer! Everything with holes in it went to textile recycling. And now I can easily open and close said drawer, and find underwear that's actually comfortable. Win.

My sister brought all my 0-6 month baby clothes from her basement this weekend. They are charmingly arranged in plastic garbage bags in the crib. Sigh. She also brought a giant load of 4T clothes for Calliope, who only started wearing 3T a few months ago but has suddenly outgrown at least half her clothing.

Saturday was my "sprinkle." I had a few last minute cancellations, so it was a small group of six friends and family... but perfectly lovely. I had a great time. It seemed very cozy and comfortable, with wonderful Middle Eastern food and a fabulous henna artist that my SIL had hired as my gift. She tattooed my belly first and then all the guests, except for the newborns, got a henna tattoo as well. The designs were beautiful.

Unfortunately, my belly didn't react so well to either the henna or the lemon juice/sugar mixture she recommended we apply afterwards to deepen the stain. So I woke up during the night the next time with intense itching, and have been applying prescription strength hydrocortisone and ice packs as needed. It's unpleasant but sort of funny, too.

Pregnancy buddies once again... we all have three and a half year olds and will soon all have newborns.
The babies (six day old Leo and 9 week old Nora) were clearly the stars of the show. 

Henna belly


  1. I'm sorry your belly didn't react well to the henna - it does look lovely!

  2. I'm sorry to admit that the fact you were up itching after the Henna really made me laugh too! I do hope the reaction cleared up quickly. And you look really phenomenally great! Glad your sprinkle was so fun and how wonderful to have friends with kids exactly the same ages as yours - I so miss that aspect of my Boise friends.

  3. Love the henna belly - and the "mothers in arms" cohort to help you welcome tree leaf!

  4. Oh that's a bummer about the henna! It does look beautiful tho!
