Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Keto Update Six, Part Two: Forty-Eight Hour Fast Update

I'm thirty-eight hours into my my first forty-eight hour (and moderated) fast!

I'm feeling pretty great right now. Especially when I am successfully distracted from thinking about it.

But I'm not going to lie, last night was really, really tough. I felt miserable and hungry. I'm not sure if I was miserably hungry or just hungry and miserable from the mental aspect of fasting.

I tried drinking more water with apple cider vinegar and salt. I tried drinking bone broth. I finally resorted to a mouthful of heavy cream. I figured I would try that, put the kids to bed, and then come back to the kitchen and break my fast.

But to my amazement, by the time the girls were in bed, the misery had mostly passed! I couldn't believe it.

So I bypassed the kitchen which was already clean from the girls' dinner -- they fight over who gets to the dishes lately -- and settled into the couch to relax and hopefully distract myself. Within an hour I was starting to doze off.

Unfortunately, I didn't sleep all that soundly, which can happen because of increased adrenaline during a fast. But that same adrenaline is making me not feel tired now, and is actually making me feel pretty great.

I had one little bout of diarrhea which surprised me because I didn't think there was any food left in my gut. But unlike my earlier fasts, no headaches. My energy is good. My mood is good.

And the two kilograms that I had gained yesterday after my cheat meal... gone today! Phew! My ketones are only up to 1.6 this morning from 1.4 yesterday afternoon which is certainly high enough for fat burning but I would normally expect to see them above two by now after fasting so long. But this is payback for my cheat. Oh well.

I am hoping that I can lose two more kg by the end of the week (which includes a twenty-four hour fast and then another forty-eigh hour fast) to bring me back to my new low that I landed at very briefly last week, just once. If I can acheive that -- and stay at it -- then I would be only 3 kg from my goal weight!

But of course the final pounds are the hardest, and of course there is some rebound weight gain after ending a fast. I'm not too obsessed with the numbers, I think, I'd just like to see some progress in the right direction. I've been stuck at this weight for a couple weeks now.

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