Friday, June 19, 2015

Photo Dump Friday 2: The First Six Weeks

Hand me downs can be entertaining! 
I called this Calliope's Little Lord Fauntleroy outfit. Amelie dutifully wore it once as well.
Susie is hilarious!
World's best nanny.

A Jodi Gibson photo of Amelie at 7 weeks.

Learning how to nurse takes a lot of concentration.
Look at all that hair!

Looking so small in the bouncy seat.
Looking even smaller in the swaddle

Loving her nanny-to-be, Susie.
Sisters' lazy Sunday morning cuddles.

Cozy snooze with the best of pillows.

Ready for an outing. 

Special Mommy-Calliope breakfast, complete with the favorite treat,a chocolate chip muffin.

Enjoying Mommy-Calliope Special Time.

Five weeks. Cheeks are filling out.

Eleanor and Calliope play with Amelie
Six weeks.
Cozy resting spot. 
Sweet big sister. Six weeks.
SMC friend's daughter, Luna, holding Amelie.

Trying, unsuccessfully, to get Calliope and her friend Jack plus their families into one selfie.
The big kids had no interest in this project, clearly.

With SMC friend Catherine and sweet baby Nora, as well as Amelie and me.

Susie showing off how she won't have trouble taking care of two babies next year. With nanny-share buddy Leo. 

Hip hip hooray! 
More smiles at 5 weeks.

First time wearing a dress. Five weeks old.

Why hello, little dangly toy.
Practicing her new smiling skills. Five weeks.

First family breakfast outing. To our beloved Qathra. Five weeks?

Loving on Susie.


  1. Omg!!! So freaking adorable! How do you not squeeze her until her head explodes on a daily basis? :)
